29 fevereiro, 2012

Culturas Jovens: Afro-Brasil América




O Colóquio Internacional – Culturas Jovens: Afro-Brasil América pretende instaurar um espaço de debate sobre o tema apoiado no conceito de telescopia histórica. O hip hop, com seu apelo universal, cada vez mais marcado pelo policulturalismo e pelo hibridismo, exerce um papel essencial na formação dos jovens, auxiliando-os a compreender o mundo em que vivem.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FEUSP

Prazo de inscrições dos resumos: 16/03/2012
Prazo para entrega dos trabalhos completos: 06/04/2012
Inscreva-se aqui!

Leia mais aqui!

13 fevereiro, 2012

Return migration and transnationalism: alternatives or complements?

Call for abstracts

How are return migration and transnationalism connected? Research has shown the prevalence of the ‘myth of return’ and return visits as ingredients of migrant transnationalism, but what do we know about the connections between different kinds of transnational identifications and practices and considerations about return migration? Preparedness has been identified as an important success factor for return migration, but how does transnationalism affect return migrants’ preparedness for return, and how do sustained transnational ties impact on processes of ‘reintegration’? The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) will host a workshop entitled Return migration and transnationalism: alternatives or complements? and invites abstracts that address these or similar questions.
11 March 2012: Deadline for submission of abstracts

11 fevereiro, 2012

Proud to be Portuguese Canadian

Orgulhoso de ser português-canadiano

Conversa com o Terry Costa, fundador e organizador do projecto Proud to be Portuguese Canadian. http://www.gentetv.com

10 fevereiro, 2012

CFP: Identity, Civic Engagement and Multiculturalism: Portuguese-Canadian Immigrant descendants in Canada and Portugal

Special Theme Issue - Portuguese Studies Review

Canadians of Portuguese descent (also called Luso-Canadians) comprise one of the largest minority groups in Canada. Yet, after over 50 years of official immigration to this country, this community continues to be largely marginal to the mainstream of Canadian life. Others have returned to Portugal, to begin lives in what is, to many, a foreign nation. Thus, the time is right for initiatives that explore the positioning(s) and ambiguities of Luso-Canadian descendants in both countries. This special issue of the Portuguese Studies Review will address these ambiguities.

The Guest Editors are seeking manuscripts on topics touching on Identity, Civic Engagement and Multiculturalism, as these relate to the descendants of Portuguese-Canadian immigrants in Canada and Portugal.

Notification of Interest to Submit an Article: March 15, 2012. 
Send a 250 word abstract describing the topic, methodology (or approach) and tentative conclusions to Dr. Robert Kenedy, Associate Professor and Lead Guest Editor (rkenedy@yorku.ca). Article Submission Deadline: Thursday May 3, 2012. Please direct your submissions to Dr. Robert Kenedy, Associate Professor and Lead Guest Editor (rkenedy@yorku.ca).

02 fevereiro, 2012

Géographies des enfants et des jeunes

Bonjour à tous,
C'est avec grand plaisir que nous vous annonçons la publication en ligne du troisième numéro des Carnets de Géographes consacré aux "Géographies des enfants et des jeunes", numéro spécial coordonné par Sonia Lehman-Frisch et Jeanne Vivet.
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture! Et vous remercions de bien vouloir diffuser cette information le plus largement possible!
L'Equipe des Carnets
Jeanne Vivet, Karine Ginisty et Amandine Spire


AnthropoChildren is an online international Review edited at the University of Liège (Belgium). The Review publishes original articles in the area of Social and Cultural Anthropology of Children and Childhood. It subscribes to voluntary open access in an attempt to foster debate between academics, students and professionals worldwide.

The importance of long-term fieldwork and participant observation as a scientific process and a singular relation in the construction of subject matter is a starting point for addressing questions and issues on the development of the discipline. However, even if Anthropology of Children and Childhood is a field unto itself, there is no reason to separate it from the other areas within general anthropology (kinship, religion, economics, politics, etc.). The Review aims to bring together various academic traditions so that they may enlighten each other on the basis of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in different social categories and groups, communities, institutions, and societies around the world.


A Língua Portuguesa em Música

Congresso Internacional “A Língua Portuguesa em Música”
I Concurso de Composição Caravelas Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
9 e 11 de Fevereiro de 2012

O Caravelas realizará o Congresso Internacional “A Língua Portuguesa em Música”, entre 9 e 11 de Fevereiro de 2012, quando terão continuidade aos debates iniciados no Simpósio “A Pronúncia do Português Europeu Cantado” realizado em Julho de 2009. Neste novo evento, a língua portuguesa permanece como o tema principal, mas alargamos transversalmente o debate a todas as áreas da investigação em música e, portanto, serão bem-vindas reflexões tendo como ponto de vista a performance, o património, a etno e a musicologia, a estética, a sociologia, os estudos literários, ou qualquer outra área da investigação que se debruce sobre a língua portuguesa e sua relação com a música.